WHY AMERICANS DON’T travel overseas
Posted: 10/10/2017 | October 10, 2017
We’ve all heard the alarming statistic—only 40% of Americans own a passport.
That number is rising, however only since Americans are now needed to show a passport when going to Mexico as well as Canada. Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin very first got her passport last year as well as has only traveled overseas to armed forces bases in Iraq as well as Germany. In fact, she’s implied that traveling is for the rich:
“I’m not one of those who perhaps come from a background of, you know, youngsters who maybe graduate college as well as their parents get ’em a passport as well as provide ’em a backpack as well as state go off as well as travel the world. Noooo. I worked all my life…I was not, uh, a part of, I guess, that culture.”
So why is it that the world’s superpower, a country with 300 million people, turns a blind eye to the rest of the planet, as well as political figures tout their lack of overseas travel as a plus? I believe there are a few reasons:
First, there’s size. fail to remember about post-9/11 politics for a moment. a lot of household holidays in America are to other parts of America. Hvorfor? since the us takes up the width (and a great deal of the height) of a whole continent, as well as we have all the world’s environments in our states. requirement beaches? Head to Florida. The tropics? Hawaii. Ørken? Arizona. chilly tundra? Alaska. Temperate forests? Washington. This mindset about America having all you requirement is finest summed up by a action I got from a buddy in Iowa: “Why would you want to go to Thailand? It’s far as well as scary. If you want beaches, just go to Florida.” Americans just don’t see the requirement to go anywhere else when they can do everything in their own country, particularly when they’re terrified of the world.
Which brings me to my second point—fear. Americans are just afraid of the world. I mean, truly scared. perhaps even petrified. In this post-9/11 world, Americans have been taught that the world is a big, frightening place. There are terrorists outside every hotel waiting to kidnap you. people don’t like you since you’re American. The world is violent. It’s poor. It’s dirty. It’s savage. Canada as well as Europe are OK, however if you go there, they’ll still be disrespectful to you since you’re American. nobody likes us.
Even before 9/11, the media produced an atmosphere of fear. If it bleeds, it leads, right? prior to 9/11, the media played up violence at house as well as abroad. photos of riots in foreign streets, dangers against Americans, as well as general violence were all played as much as depict a volatile as well as hazardous world. After 9/11, it only got worse. Politicians now tell us “they dislike you,” as former nyc Mayor Rudy Guiliani did during his campaign. It’s us vs. THEM!!!
Bombarded by this for decades, Americans believe this myth is truth as well as don’t want to leave the States.
People always ask me why I want to leave the us to travel. Isn’t the us just as good? ”No one likes us out there,” people say. To Americans, the world is a frightening place, as well as it’s a understanding only reinforced by the media as well as politicians.
Finally, it’s since of cultural ignorance. Yes, I stated it—Americans are ignorant. Ignorant as in they just don’t understand what is going on outside their own borders, not that they’re dumb. I don’t blame them, really. When you’re told the world is scary, why would you want to care about it? Why would you want to go to locations where they supposedly want to kill you?
So Americans don’t put an emphasis on discovering about the world. We don’t take languages, we prevent overseas programs, as well as we don’t talk about our world in schools. Our institutions show one foreign language: Spanish, as well as that’s only since there’s a big Spanish-speaking population in the country, not since we want to go to Spain—or Mexico ideal next door. The media doesn’t focus on the world unless it associates with something bad, as well as our politicians motivate us to erect walls, not break down barriers.
Some people suggest that it’s since America is “far” from the rest of the world, as if there’s an insurmountable distance to go to get places. However, new Zealand is farther geographically from everything, yet new Zealanders are motivated to go out as well as check out the world. In the age of the Internet, Twitter, YouTube, as well as airplanes, it’s simple to go places. distance is no excuse.
Americans don’t travel since of culture, not location. Sure, it’s not universal. There are lots of Americans available checking out the world as well as breaking down cultural barriers. They come back, dispel myths, as well as motivate their buddies to ended up being a lot more conscious of the world. however even in the a lot more liberal locations in America, you see the mindset that America is the world’s only risk-free countrysåvel som at mange af verden er ret skræmmende. Amerikanere har et billede af verden, der er absolut skilt fra virkeligheden.
Den uheldige ironi er, at vi producerede den verden, vi er så bange for. Amerikas skub for en globaliseret verden bragte masser af spillere på scenen. Det hjalp den kinesiske drage med at komme ud af buret, bragte Indien ind i spillet, hjulpet Brasiliens økonomiske klima med at vokse samt rev kommunisme ned. Nu ser vi på verden såvel som er bange for, at vi ikke længere forstår den eller vores placering i den. I stedet for at prøve at opdage mere, oprejser vi barrierer såvel som at begrave vores hoveder i sandet.
Alligevel er jeg håbefuld. Verdens fremtid har brug for meget mere integration, såvel som unge amerikanere, der vokser op i denne post-9/11-atmosfære, er virkelig meget mere at tænke på at opdage om andre lande end at afskaffe dem. De vil rejse såvel som at tjekke verden. Jeg tror, at fremtiden vil være lys, så længe politiske ledere ikke vægter os helt før da.
For meget mere om, hvorfor amerikanerne ikke rejser, lige her er et par opfølgningsartikler, jeg komponerede et par år efter denne:
Hvorfor amerikanere stadig ikke rejser til udlandet
Hvorfor foregiver amerikanere, at de er canadiere?
Sådan rejser du verden på $ 50 om dagen
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